Stakeholder engagement policy

AkzoNobel is a multinational manufacturer of paints and coatings, active in more than 150 countries and listed at the Amsterdam stock exchange. We recognize the importance of collaboration and meaningful relationships with the diverse group of individuals, organizations and communities that are (potentially) impacted by, or have an interest in, our activities.

This policy outlines our commitment to fostering positive collaborations and relationships, promoting transparency in our communication and ensuring that the voices of our external stakeholders are heard and valued. 

Our approach

Our stakeholder engagement is guided by our company strategy and governance and based on material impacts, including our approach to sustainability.

Frank and open dialog and partnerships with our stakeholders enables us to go farther and faster than we could alone. Seeking feedback on key topics that matter to our stakeholders helps us align our business interests with the needs and expectations of relevant stakeholder groups, and is a source of information for strategy development, decision-making and reporting. It also helps us carefully balance the different interests of stakeholders.

We partner and collaborate proactively with our stakeholders to identify opportunities for creating shared value and a positive impact on communities and wider society. Please visit our Partnerships and Collaborations pages for more information.

Our key stakeholders and reasons for engagement

We identify our key stakeholders based on their capacity to influence, or be impacted by, our actions, as well as their potential to contribute relevant knowledge. At the same time, our engagement with stakeholders is dynamic and adaptable, evolving in response to the specific topics of discussion, geographical context and changing circumstances over time.

This flexible approach allows us to foster meaningful relationships with those who play a crucial role in our endeavors, and helps us address pertinent issues effectively and have a positive impact on the communities where we operate. 

In addition, AkzoNobel aims to contribute to the public debate about topics relevant to our company, industry and wider society. 

Our stakeholders

We use various methods to engage in dialog with our stakeholders, depending on the nature, purpose and frequency of the interaction.

Engagement methods include (depending on the level of engagement): 1-on-1 meetings, calls, conferences, roundtables, consultations, roadshows, assessment/audits, surveys, multi-stakeholder initiatives/coalitions.

Key topics include: company performance and strategy (financially and ESG), business climate, investments, innovation, sustainability (including CSR and ESG), regulation, employee insights. 

  • Customers

We have made it our business to deliver the sustainable and innovative solutions that our customers, communities – and the planet – are increasingly relying on. We’re fully focused on ensuring that the pioneering paints and coatings we supply today can help safeguard our world far beyond tomorrow.

  • Employees

To support our people and help them perform at their best, we continuously look for ways to improve our organizational health and shape a purposeful and inclusive culture. We want to hear our employees’ needs and concerns, so that timely and meaningful action can be taken to improve work environments where needed.

  • Governments and policy makers

We foster relationships with the governments and communities where we have operations and activities, such as innovation projects. We also contribute our views to inform policy-makers about topics such as business climate, sustainability and green (value chain) transition, chemical and environmental regulation, innovation, CSR and ESG.   

  • Industry associations and other partners

We inform industry positions via active participation in associations within, for example, the paints and coatings sector. We also work together in coalitions with like-minded companies, for example to contribute to sustainability and the green transition. Collaboration is crucial to achieve our goals.

  • Investors

We provide shareholders and other parties in the financial markets with equal and simultaneous information about matters that may influence our share price. Contact between the Board of Management on the one hand, and investors and analysts on the other, are carefully handled and structured. Our dedicated investor relations policy is available here.        

  • Suppliers

We work with our suppliers to create value and continuously improve both our sustainability and theirs. As a significant part of our carbon emissions come from our upstream activities, this is an area where we can make a big impact through collaboration and innovation with our suppliers.

  • Wider society

We strive for the well-being of both society and the environment, and are therefore dedicated to conducting our business with a future-oriented perspective. Our vision is to actively contribute to a world where people can flourish today and also enjoy the benefits of our endeavors for generations to come.

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Stakeholder engagement policy

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