Health and safety
AkzoNobel has a company-wide commitment to manage hazardous substances in its products to ensure safe use. This includes reduction, restriction and phase-out when they can be substituted with safer and more sustainable alternatives.
Our Priority Substance Management process takes a systematic approach to the identification, review and management of hazardous substances used in our products. Priority substances are identified for review by scoring hazardous substances based on their human and environmental hazards, and where societal concern exists over their use.
Those with higher scores are designated as priority substances and are reviewed by our experts. Where a safer and more effective alternative exists, priority substances are substituted with less hazardous materials. If substitution is not possible, a full risk assessment is carried out using techniques from the REACH Regulation. Only when safe use of a priority substance can be demonstrated can it remain in use in AkzoNobel products.
The program continues to review substances as the regulatory status of substances change, while processes are in place to prevent the introduction of hazardous substances in our businesses. The output from our Priority Substance Program is now fully embedded into the Sustainable Product Portfolio Assessment (SPPA) process, a process which has been fully implemented across all AkzoNobel businesses.
Creating a direct link between the Priority Substance Program and business processes ensures that substances identified and actioned within the program are managed within the business’ product portfolio in a timely and appropriate manner.