Code of Conduct
We are committed to respecting human rights across our value chain and expect all our business partners to respect human rights and apply equivalent principles. We also seek to actively support their implementation whenever necessary.
The United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights state that companies should have processes in place to enable effective remedies for people harmed by any adverse human rights impact that the companies themselves have caused or contributed to. This responsibility does not exist when the company is merely linked to impacts.
Grievance mechanisms play a critical role in opening channels for dialog, investigation, problem solving, and – when required – providing remedy. We foster an open dialog with our employees, customers, business partners, contractors, investors and other stakeholders.
If we believe that our Code is being, or is about to be, breached, we should take action. We can:
- Talk to the person involved
- Talk to our manager, HR business partner or the Compliance officer
- SpeakUp!, is designed to provide you comfort in raising your concern
If you wish to file a SpeakUp! report relating to AkzoNobel you may do so by opening a SpeakUp!