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AkzoNobel has been awarded a top grade on the influential Supplier Climate A List of companies identified as being leaders in their actions to combat climate change.
The list is compiled by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), an international not-for-profit group which accelerates action to achieve sustainable economies. The ranking places AkzoNobel in the top 3 percent of the 4,300 companies assessed.
“This is welcome recognition which underlines the impact we’re having with our strategy of doing more with less,” said André Veneman, AkzoNobel’s Director of Sustainability. “By creating more value with less resources and working closely with customers and suppliers, we can help to make life more liveable and inspiring for the world’s ever-growing population.”
The Supplier Climate A List is published in the CDP report “Missing link: Harnessing the power of purchasing for a sustainable future”.
The report reveals that the world’s largest purchasing organizations are using their buying power to drive down emissions across their supply chains, achieving CO2e reductions of 434 million tons – equivalent to more than France’s annual GHG emissions – worldwide in 2016.